Grant Middle School


Welcome to Grant Middle School. I am looking forward to another amazing year at Grant Middle School. As a teacher, administrator, and a father, I understand that the safety, education, and well-being of our children is essential. Please feel free to contact me at anytime during this school year with questions, concerns, or just general observations you want to share. Your input is valuable and needed. I hope you will find ways to continue to stay involved and active in your students educational journey. The PTO would love for you to join, we would love to have you visit during special events, and even though middle school students protest, continue to volunteer and be present.


For sports schedules, menus, and updated school information please download the app: GrantCCSD#110 at the Google Play Store or ITunes Store.

PARCC Math Practice Test

Principal: Rocky Horrighs

Assistant Principal: Christina Thompson

10110 Old Lincoln Trail, Fairview Heights, IL 62208

Phone: 618-397-2764

Fax: 618-397-7809

Hours: 7:50 - 2:20 Students may go to their classrooms at 7:40

*** Please note that to not be considered tardy, students must be in their seats with all materials, ready to begin at 7:50 am. We strongly recommend students arriving by 7:40 am.

Preventing Child Abuse and Neglect

Opaa! Now hiring for kitchen positions.

Outside GMS

Order your Spirit wear

Order online here and it will be delivered to GMS.
