Spelling with shaving cream!
over 6 years ago, Heather Hauss
Spelling with shaving cream!
Spelling with shaving cream!
A great turnout and important information shared at the the PTO meet and greet tonight. Thanks to the PTO for putting the night together.
over 6 years ago, Matt Stines
PTO night
PTO meet and greet
Mrs Evans class came for a visit. They have been begging to see my new room:)
over 6 years ago, Stacy Schulte
Mrs Evans class came for a visit. They have been begging to see my new room!
What we are reading
over 6 years ago, Stacy Schulte
What we are reading
Partner reading in second grade!
over 6 years ago, Kayce Anderson
Partner reading!
Building bridges in 8th grade
over 6 years ago, MellaDeane Evans
Kindergarten is reading Chicka Chicka Boom Boom this week. Today Mr. Chris is cutting open a coconut for us to see.
over 6 years ago, Melissa Stengel
Kindergarten is reading Chicka Chicka Boom Boom this week. Today Mr. Chris is cutting open a coconut for us to see.
EC working on writing the letter B on our new ViewSonic Board
over 6 years ago, Jessica Stein
EC working on writing the letter B on our new ViewSonic Board.
We earned extra smelly stickers today...what flavor should we pick??? Cupcake? Stinky Sock? Tootsie Roll?
over 6 years ago, Cara Mancuso
Smelly Stickers!  We earned it!
Afternoon meditation in Pre-K
over 6 years ago, Shelby Kohnen
Afternoon meditation in Pre-K
#kindness challenge for Week 2!
over 6 years ago, Travis Klein
Kindness Challenge
We were treated to a surprise sign language lesson today! Thank you to my awesome student teacher’s awesome mom!! The kids loved it!!
over 6 years ago, Melanie Hundsdorfer
We were treated to a surprise sign language lesson today! Thank you to my awesome student teacher’s awesome mom!! The kids loved it!!
We were treated to a surprise sign language lesson today! Thank you to my awesome student teacher’s awesome mom!! The kids loved it!!
We were treated to a surprise sign language lesson today! Thank you to my awesome student teacher’s awesome mom!! The kids loved it!!
We were treated to a surprise sign language lesson today! Thank you to my awesome student teacher’s awesome mom!! The kids loved it!!
Having fun at the 7th/8th grade dance!
over 6 years ago, Kaitlynn Williams
having fun at the 7th/8th grade welcome back dance!
Eating some pizza and cupcakes at the back to school dance!
over 6 years ago, Kaitlynn Williams
Look at those Yankees doing the Cupid Shuffle!
over 6 years ago, Kaitlynn Williams
Cupid shuffle
GMS Volunteers at Wingfest
over 6 years ago, Stacy Schulte
GMS Volunteers
Photo Booth at the Back to School Dance!!
over 6 years ago, Rachel Pehle
Photo Booth!!
Let’s Dance!
over 6 years ago, Mackenzie Becherer
Let’s Dance!
Volunteering at Wingfest
over 6 years ago, Stacy Schulte
Volunteering at Wingfest
Engineering challenge
over 6 years ago, Stacy Schulte
Engineering Challenge