Bassc students and Ms. Dallas' students remembering the activities she loved doing with them. Yoga, tie dye, and pancakes! Always in our hearts Ms. Dallas! ❤️
Live Feed of the 8th Grade Graduation beginning at 7PM
Lots of great workers helping to clean and sort the caps! If you are willing and able to make a small monetary donation toward the expense of the memorial bench, a collection has been started in Grant's office. Thank you to the Fairview Heights community for all of the support on this project.
Beaches Bridges and Boats in PE to prepare for summer break.
4th graders chose a famous tower to replicate using 12 straws and 12 inches of tape. They did a great job!
Illini had an amazing group of students and teachers perform at the Illini talent show.
8th grade having a great day...the Grant Way, at the graduation dance
Wow! Thank you EVERYONE that had donated caps. It took one week to come up with the 200lbs we need! Thank you!
First Grade had a great day at the zoo!
Interested in Big Brother or Big Sister? -
Third grade having some teamwork fun with scooters.
Challenge Day---Head, Shoulders, Knees, and Cups????
5th grade had another successful Economy Day on Friday! Thank you to Ms. Williams for creating such a great experience for our 5th graders!
Challenge Day---Paper Airplanes
Challenge Day---Fruit Loop Sort (Using Chopsticks)
Challenge Day---No Hands Cup Stacking Challenge (must use rubber band and yarn)
Challenge Day Lunch---Pizza, Chips, and Cookies (Thanks Mrs. Lasley)
Challenge Day--Elephant Trunks
Challenge Day---We had so much fun with Robots and flying drones!
Challenge Day---Making Ice Cream